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By hantavirus - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that the horrific smell coming from somewhere in my kitchen was a rotting dead mouse that somehow got stuck in my dishwasher. I have been eating off plates washed in dead mouse water for the past week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 306
You deserved it 11 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

asdfghjklfmylife 0

that it honestly the grossest thing i have ever heard. **** your life.


fretforyerlatte 0

IF this is true, that's about the most horrifying thing i've ever heard. ::shudder::

Um. Does everyone use mice and rats interchangeably? Because to me, mice and rats are very different. A rat you would definitely notice in your dishwasher, while a mouse is so small you might not see it. A rat would also smell much more than a dead mouse.

LMAO I love when people say " Suck on that, bitch! " You know who you are. It's not my fault I can't remember your name...

Tupperware_fml 0

Now that smells gonna come from your mouth. Haha FYL.

crackberrie 0

grose! how could u not have wanted to figure out where this "horrific" smell was coming from??? you deserve it for letting the smell bother you for so long and not trying to figure out the source of the smell

mercury42 0

I tried like hell to find the source of the odor in my son's room (age 8 at the time) for two weeks before I hunted it down... Had the room literally ripped apart! Even the dogs wouldn't go in there... We thought something had dies in the walls. Found out he had put a dinner that he didn't like in the heating duct. How he got in there I'll never know, but darn it we eat at the table every night now!

McFail_fml 4

Cant believe Mickey Mouse died in your house... FHL

hazelwolfeyes 0

i was eating when i read this... real or not...i ended up losing my cookies... thats just do you not notice something like that? i always look into the dishwasher to make sure utensils didnt fall through... your an idiot... poor mouse... :(

woooow that sucks i agree so what you did about it? thats why you suppose to clean the dishwasher or clean plates by hand