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By hantavirus - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that the horrific smell coming from somewhere in my kitchen was a rotting dead mouse that somehow got stuck in my dishwasher. I have been eating off plates washed in dead mouse water for the past week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 307
You deserved it 11 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

asdfghjklfmylife 0

that it honestly the grossest thing i have ever heard. **** your life.


nuthn rong wit tht, i keep 1 n my dishwasher. it prevents water spots

blondeatheartoh9 0

Of course, unless you mean that it got stuck in the water pipe that goes out back because I've had a bird stuck in my washer pipe before.

how do u know it was a week old? but ahh if you use heatdry, like i do... it may bring u comfort to know the mouse was kinda cooked. the orchids' torturer has spoken.

lol that's pretty bad. probably madebup tho like the rest of the filth on this damn site. when are people going to realize that "omg my boyfriend, he, like, broke up with me and I'm, like, totally devastated" doesn't qualify as an fml. I know that has nothing to do with this post, but I'm just tired of seeing it.

Conkers 0

In other words, your cooking tastesthe same as, or worse than dead rat. Double Whammy.