New life

By jend - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went into work happy about my supervising promotion. When I arrived at work, I realized that only one person had decided to come into work today, which meant I had to clean 15 rooms, and supervise myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 810
You deserved it 3 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did only one person show up at work??

Now that you're the supervisor, you gotta get your shit together and punish them. And #3, go watch sesame street. They can teach you how to count to 10 and the difference between 1 and 3.


madam_mayham 0
vt_mruhlin 0

Does being supervisor mean you can fire the other asshats that didn't show up?

freeball 0

You're a supervisor now? Get in touch with corporate or your higher-ups and get their asses fired.

write them up for not coming into work, you're a superviser now you should have the power to do that. I'm a housekeeper- had to clean 16 and do laundry.. suck it up. =]

jend_fml 0

#25 I work at a resort on weekends as a way of earning extra cash, I'm sixteen years old. i wasn't trying to make my job sound better than it is, I was just relieved I wouldn't have to clean rooms for one weekend.

Perhaps it's because nobody really goes to work on Sundays.