New tech

By Checkless chick - 08/05/2013 22:21 - United States

Today, I decided I would try this feature on my banking app which lets me deposit checks by sending a picture of it. The instructions say to rip the check after depositing. The deposit didn't work and now I've got a ripped up paycheck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 118
You deserved it 54 516

Same thing different taste

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So we all know to rip the check after CONFIRMING the deposit was made. Thanks, FML.

Haha, checkmate. Banking app 1 Customer 0


shoulda read the instructions better i do it all the time successfully. 1 places approves it right away and the other sends email notification and they always say keep for at least 2 biz days

The t.v. commercials make it look so easy haha ,thats funny. You should just stick with direct deposit or next time check your account before you rip up your check .

I think it would be common sense to have confirmed the deposit before ripping up your pay. However, I am still very sorry to hear about this!! I hope you get to work things out.

You're not supposed to rip it up until it clears. YDI

HopeEndlessly 6

Have your employer reissue the check to you. It's a common practice. They can cancel the last one and get you a new one.

You're an idiot. Anyways, you can probably get a new one.

Yea it only works on personal checks I think.