Next step

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after my son graduated from nursing school which I, as a single parent, paid for with blood, sweat, and tears, during his grad party he was asked what his next step was. His response was, "Eh, I kinda realized I hate nursing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 929
You deserved it 3 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he finished. I'm a nurse and knew a few who quit half way through. He's always got it if he changed his mind later.

He should have known at least half way through is courses that he didn't want to be a nurse.


I mean I just finished my degree and I know for a while there I almost hated it but now I love it again haha. At least he finished it off so that he can go back to it if he wants rather than having an incomplete degree to totally waste your money

Oh lol only just realised this FML is from years ago hahaha sorry!

Don't pay for whatever he wants next. He needs to use the education he does have to pay for whatever he does want to do

I honestly do not know what he best reaction to this should be