Nice guy

By LucklessNiceGuy - 05/12/2011 07:22 - United States

Today, I was fired from my job on account of "sexual harassment" toward female employees. The harassment? Jokingly offering them foot massages when they were complaining about how their feet ached after a long shift, and complimenting them about their appearance when they felt down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 650
You deserved it 45 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

Ouch, I'm really sorry. ): People take things too far these days.

drawmesunshine 17

Perhaps the male employees felt left out. Maybe at your next job, you should compliment their looks and offer them foot rubs, too. Think of this as a learning experience.


joee182 3

You shoulda said they been eye ******* you and say they were harassing you haha

perdix 29

You're not allowed to harass women unless you're a BAWS. Herman Cain got away with it for years. They'd just pay off his victims and make them go away, with no consequence to him. The law didn't punish him for being a sexual predator, bad PR did.

Heeeerroin 5

Well there must be SOMETHING wrong with you. Where the hell do you work?

Apparently the only compliment that is acceptable to give a woman in the workplace is that she looks 'sharp' today. (Now watch Spin City. Stewart can make even THAT sexual.) I was torn, but I'm gonna have to say YDI, based off a couple things: 1) Typically if someone gets creeped out by something you say and are upset enough to report it, you get a warning, not immediate dismissal. If this was a repeat offense, YDI. 2) If you were still on probation, you don't need a warning. Dismissal can be immediate in this case; and making comments in a brand new job like that ARE creepy. YDI.

You say you were saying things in a joking way my guess is you were probably that creeper that everyone works with at some point who manages to make everything sound super creepy ... And you probably have a foot fetish too don't ya? Don't ya, you little creeper you?

desireev 17

Considering this FML was very vague, your comment was very rude. People are entirely too judgmental these days. People like you and the things like what you said would get the innocent man put in prison.

footslave 0

So what if he had a foot fetish, I do but I am not creepy about it. I save that for behind closed doors with a girl I really like.

that is totally creepy, Mr. creeper creepyton.

desireev 17

I agree! That is very stupid!!! This FML is very vague so for people to be calling him creepy or a creeper is wrong and judgmental!! And he is a man from Texas. He has southern charm. I'm sure he wasn't being creepy. His parents raised him to be hospitable and they taught him how to treat a lady!!!

footslave 0

I too am a man from Texas with a foot fetish ;-)

That does sound like sexual harassment. At the very least, it was likely awkward and unprofessional.

This is why I don't joke around with female co-workers until I get to know them better. What I may think is a harmless joke (like teasing them about foot massages) could be considered inappropriate behavior to some chicks. Next time, until you're familiar with your co-workers, don't try to tease women about their looks.

In what part of the world did that sound like acceptable behaviour ? Sorry, op, but you send some pretty strong creepy vibes.

I bet u were a lot creepier about it then you make it out to be.