Nice guy

By LucklessNiceGuy - 05/12/2011 07:22 - United States

Today, I was fired from my job on account of "sexual harassment" toward female employees. The harassment? Jokingly offering them foot massages when they were complaining about how their feet ached after a long shift, and complimenting them about their appearance when they felt down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 650
You deserved it 45 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

Ouch, I'm really sorry. ): People take things too far these days.

drawmesunshine 17

Perhaps the male employees felt left out. Maybe at your next job, you should compliment their looks and offer them foot rubs, too. Think of this as a learning experience.


Tmoney20 3

To be honest your probably not very good looking, probably a bit creepy and I bet annoying... I say a lot worse things to females at my job and the just joke back or laugh... It's not what your saying, I bet it's you and they might just not like it coming form you! I'm sorry bro but u have to know that they're not going to rat you out before u say things..

holdenthemonkey 3

Ralph, first off we didn't just fire you for offering foot massages to the females here; we found 8 pairs of their missing shoes in your locker. Second when you compliment women after they come in from the rain and their white tops are now transparent, we, as most employers don't view that as a compliment. Take your 'free candy' van and good riddance to you! You will not be missed.

As usually there are two sides of the story. Looks like he is not victim after all.

desireev 17

I don't believe for a minute that you worked in the same workplace as him. Take your shitty comments elsewhere!!!

Try not offering to massage their feet with your ****.

I would find this awkward but not awkward enough to complain about. I would just shrug it off. Everyone has different boundaries though.

I'll take that foot rub right about now! :-)

savona01 7
matt120784 0

Never compliment women at work. Chances are one will have a grudge and take it out on you.

That seems kinda creepy! Who offers to rub someone's feet if it's not a significant other? Gross! foot fetish much?