Nice guy

By LucklessNiceGuy - 05/12/2011 07:22 - United States

Today, I was fired from my job on account of "sexual harassment" toward female employees. The harassment? Jokingly offering them foot massages when they were complaining about how their feet ached after a long shift, and complimenting them about their appearance when they felt down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 650
You deserved it 45 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

Ouch, I'm really sorry. ): People take things too far these days.

drawmesunshine 17

Perhaps the male employees felt left out. Maybe at your next job, you should compliment their looks and offer them foot rubs, too. Think of this as a learning experience.


This is why I do not want to work with women. Anything you say or do, they can call it sexual harassment and you'll be in trouble. Even if you don't do anything they can just complain, and it's the word of an alleged pervert against the word of a fragile and pure woman. Companies prefer to punish the man without even investigating because the longer a sexual harassment accusation lingers, the worse it makes the company look. I saw a coworker get fired because he offered to help a female colleague carry a load of stuff to her car from the office. She dropped most of it 3 times before he offered help, but her complained still was considered valid. Another colleague once had to work for a week with a female coworker. So after that, he used to say hello to her when he met her in the hallways. She complained of sexual harassment and he got a warning. Another time, a colleague was due for an upcoming promotion. Everyone knew he'd get it. 2 days before the boss officially announced who would get the promotion, a female employee accused him of inappropriate conduct and he didn't get the promotion. Strangely enough, that bitch got it instead. Did I mention she was the second most likely employee to get the promotion after my colleague? Anyway I once ended up avenging my colleagues. At the request of a female employee who claimed "there's sexual harassment going on but I won't tell you who's doing it or what they're doing exactly because I'm scared" our boss decided to make all men watch a video about sexual harassment. I sued the company for accusing all men of committing sexual harassment. we settled and the company paid every male employee a nice sum of money. The bitch who brought the baseless sexual harassment accusations lost her job soon after. On another note, I reported 2 male colleagues who I witnessed harassing a female colleague. Because even though I despise the trend of calling everything men do "sexual harassment", I do not condone SH when I see it. My female colleagues were grateful because they were afraid of coming forward themselves. Men who harass women in the workplace like this are scum.

There might be more to the complaints than you know

NullPointer 20

LOL! How stupid is your employer? "We're going to force certain employees to watch a sexual harrassment video based on their gender!" How did they not see that that itself is sexual harrassment? That's like things have been going missing from the office, so you force all the black employees to watch a video on stealing from the workplace... how stupid can you be?

You're not a nice guy. You're a flirty creeper.. Ydi douche..

Hungry_Panda 3

In my opinion, that's creepy, though I don't know it's enough to get you fired. Creeper. ;)

I definitely feel like you were being a creep, and you're just trying to down the awkwardness for the post to get support.

jej1997 2

You neglected the first rule of avoiding sexual harrassment claims: Be attractive.

Two big mistakes in corporate America. Best to say nothing at all. Sorry. It sucks. But that's the way of things.

Legislature is bullshit with all these implied implications. Is there any way to know if those women did feel uncomfortable, or are they just wanting to make a quick buck through ruining someones life? The days of countless lawsuits over bullshit needs to end.

thats ******' sucks. Happened to me once. A chick worked at my place has decided to dress herself up nicely. I complied, "abt time u dressed up nicely." I got the warning ticket for complimented a f'ugly skinny big glasses-wearing church girl with 'hot mess hair' that wear sweater suit to work EVERY FREAKIN' DAY.

skyeyez9 24

I think there is some sort of unspoken rule that a man doesnt offer anybody but his girlfriend or wife a foot rub. It probably was harmless, but an odd thing to offer.Wasn't sexual harassment, more like OP's social skills are naive when it comes to inter acting with female coworkers.