Nice guy

By Anonymous - 19/07/2011 11:04 - Australia

Today, after being in love with one of my best friends for ages, he took me on a date. We then went back to his place and we made love. Afterwards, he told me he wanted to show me something and led me outside. He ran back in and locked the door. It's a two hour walk home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 144
You deserved it 7 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments


krissydreams 0

that's so cruel ! you can do better !

ChocolateLea 0

That was really messed up ! You didn't deserve that.

Bl4ckr4bb1t 4

Call him and tell him your not mad because he was that good. Convince him that sex in public would be hot, get him completely naked and grab his clothes and run like hell. Payback is a bitch

JennyBear101 0

Talk about one night stand to the extreme sry sweetie

then i guess he's not the best of friends after all

varkey 7

Doesn't sound like a good friend at all. FYL

smash everthing that isnt indoors where u shld be. wtf?