Nice imagery

By nekogirl15 - 27/10/2011 01:38 - United States

Today, I convinced my best friend to talk to the guy I like at work to find out if he was interested in me. She came back ten minutes later, and told me he said he'd never be able to date me. Apparently, kissing me "would be like making out with Mother Teresa's corpse." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 368
You deserved it 3 835

Same thing different taste


gogirls 3

Maybe he thinks making out with zombies is hot? The weirdest thing will turn guys on. Being a guy, I love me my zombies.

TheBeanieChic 1

Why do guys have to be so harsh these days. Its bad enough to be rejected but do you have to throw in an insult just to be a dick.

Enan 4

Guys are just starting to realize that they can be just as mean as women. The more you know.

Occasionally, only to show were more dominate;)

How does he even know what your kisses even feel like? o_o

2ndSucks 15

Don't worry, I'm sure there's a fetish for that.

Dear OP, Yeah... not too sure exactly where the metaphor is/was going, but it's pretty safe to ignore it; the whole thing smells of either trying too hard, or a really, really bad misdirect. At least now you know what kind of guy he is :- Time for a new crush?

JRockk 2

oh my gosh that's really mean =[ i'll be honest thought, i don't know what the heck that's supposed to mean, but it sounds harsh =[ you can do better OP!

Salinnax3 2

That wasn't nice at all. -____-

If you're old enough to hold a job, you're old enough to talk to a member of the opposite sex for yourself. But it sucks he doesn't want to get down with madré Teresa, I hear she was quite a saint?... :D