Nice imagery

By nekogirl15 - 27/10/2011 01:38 - United States

Today, I convinced my best friend to talk to the guy I like at work to find out if he was interested in me. She came back ten minutes later, and told me he said he'd never be able to date me. Apparently, kissing me "would be like making out with Mother Teresa's corpse." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 368
You deserved it 3 835

Same thing different taste


That means you're too sexy for him. you go gurrrrrrl. I'd romance. ;)

tylersign 11

Might wanna start putting on your makeup with your eyes OPEN. ;)

Use lots of make up, like Jenna Marbles!

Maybe she already uses too much makeup and looks like a corpse, perhaps that's what her crush was getting at?

youcunthole 0

Sounds like somebody needs to hit up mickeyDs more often

IKickPuppiesHard 16

You shoulda just talked to him yourself. Give it 2 weeks and your friend is gonna be doing him.

HoboSmeller 6

To, Op, I would like to confirm that :)

DragonGirl1031 11