Nice place to live!

By GrossedOutKary - 19/05/2010 19:20 - Puerto Rico

Today, after finally moving into a better neighborhood, my family and I were greeted by the elderly couple who live window to window to us. How? By hearing them have sex loudly and then praying for forgiveness even louder. Welcome to the neighborhood! FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 051
You deserved it 3 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

New home in a nice neighborhood? $300,000 The old couple next door? priceless

missvee98324 0


lmfao. dont do the crime if u cant do the... PRAYING!!!!

PatRme 9
Crotcho_fml 0

they were asking forgiveness for the show they gave their new neighbors. that's not for them to see (do I need to explain this statement further?) I just hope I'm still gettin laid at their age.

kekelala3 0

ahhhh old peoples. Gotta love em';) Love you Gram-Gram!

starman02 12

thanks now.. **** MY life for having that mental picture... um ew

straight gmilf..lolz jk thats slightly disturbing but not quite so disturbing that im disturbed from reading something disturbing disturbed

CAhereIcome 0

u do have a pretty smile- no ****. lol

bookbee 2

On the bright side, they are old and will die soon.

that's just weird O.o ydi for having such thin walls :P &anyways it's never too late to have some fun haha

prod324 0

LMAO! This is the best FML I've heard in a looooong time!

lol wow that had to have been awkward