Nice place to live!

By GrossedOutKary - 19/05/2010 19:20 - Puerto Rico

Today, after finally moving into a better neighborhood, my family and I were greeted by the elderly couple who live window to window to us. How? By hearing them have sex loudly and then praying for forgiveness even louder. Welcome to the neighborhood! FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 051
You deserved it 3 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

New home in a nice neighborhood? $300,000 The old couple next door? priceless

missvee98324 0


I used to work at a nursing home and even the ones in wheelchairs would still get it on, some of them were getting it on with folks that were married, then their spouse would visit not knowing anything!!

secretlyshy 0

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I feel sorry for you. Really, I really do.

sw33th3art 3

that is reaaly gross. i bet when they cum on eachother its not even liquid. its dust. lol

This simultaneously grossed me out and made me laugh. Good job.

whatsernam3 3

who the **** prays for forgiveness after having sex? dumbasses.

dkcutie92 0

Well at least they asked forgiveness. *crosses myself*