Nice place to live!

By GrossedOutKary - 19/05/2010 19:20 - Puerto Rico

Today, after finally moving into a better neighborhood, my family and I were greeted by the elderly couple who live window to window to us. How? By hearing them have sex loudly and then praying for forgiveness even louder. Welcome to the neighborhood! FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 051
You deserved it 3 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

New home in a nice neighborhood? $300,000 The old couple next door? priceless

missvee98324 0


DAMN 52 your fine! and that's coming from a girl...

ha better neighborhood just means that they pray afterwords lol

thats funny AF . ahah ! they got it ooooonnn !

go have sex an be even louder then them

what kind of "better" neighborhood is window to window? you should answer back!

youthink_fml 0

What do you expect? That's what happens when you move into a place where your neighbors are "window to window".

torcom 0
metalmaiden 0

Old people sex. Ftw! Did they use mayo? :P