Nice try

By Anonymous - 18/07/2011 20:21 - Netherlands

Today, my boyfriend wanted me to meet the girl he has been cheating on me with. He thinks it makes the cheating more understandable if I see how 'hot' she is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 591
You deserved it 6 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

renaee 13

You mean ex, right? She means ex, right?

littlemissFYL 5

your boyfriend was hoping for either: A.) a threesome or B.) a cat fight that would seemingly lead you two out of your clothing


Wait why are you still calling him your boyfriend? Better yet why are you still talking to him?

SwiftKick2DA 0

that... sounds reasonable. I mean, atleast she's not boot!! am I right?!

taylor27000 0

"Yes, honey, I lied you but you must understand! Check his rack, plz"


If the girl looks like Jenny Swanson from EJ Burger, then he is excused OR if it was Jessica Biel

little_E02 0

what a dick but I'm available lol

Congratulations; you've been dating a moron. You are also a moron for not breaking up with him.

justanotherbird 19

What I want to know is why this fml says "boyfriend". Who would continue to go out with such a douche? Dump their cheating ass.

GoodLookingGeese 10

lol... this fml made my day...