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By theuglyone - 14/11/2016 19:40 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me for a girl he met through me. I shouldn't feel bad. Apparently, she's exactly like me, only much prettier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 152
You deserved it 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No, you shouldn't feel bad. Your ex is an asshole. Good riddance.

Good ******* riddance, if that is his logic then be happy that the dumbass left because he's an idiot for doing that, you deserve so much better!


No, you shouldn't feel bad. Your ex is an asshole. Good riddance.

Well, if the only reason is "because she is prettier"... I hear a broken face doesn't usually become more beautiful once healed. Not condoning violence or anything, just an option >:3

Sure, take it out on the new girlfriend, who didn't do anything wrong, instead of the asshole ex-boyfriend.

Well, obviously! What else could a sane, rational, level headed person do?

#4 'who he met through me'. Sounds like that's one of OP's friends which definitely doesn't make her an innocent party

#16 maybe, but it could also be a coworker, friend of a friend, classmate, etc...someone the bf might meet at a dinner party or something, but who has no feelings of loyalty towards OP or might not be aware of the circumstances of the breakup. I feel if it was a friend (thus adding insult to injury) it would've mentioned...but who knows.

Whoops, guess I need to check my privilege.

Don't make it about those mean PC people who have this crazy idea of treating everyone equally and don't like violence. Maybe you could explain why you think that the new girlfriend has any fault in this and should get all the shit and bad treatment?

#16, there are also people who don't believe in this strange loyalty. If the boyfriend wants to leave her for someone, it's his decision. The only problem I see is, that you have awkward parties or meeting afterwards. But you will also have it if you have the same friend circle anyways and the new girlfriend is a stranger to you.

Good ******* riddance, if that is his logic then be happy that the dumbass left because he's an idiot for doing that, you deserve so much better!

You should find someone exactly like him only much richer

Maybe she should find someone who isn't like this douchebag.

It's the way of expression in the context. OP's boyfriend new girlfriend isn't like OP either, that's just the way he broke up with her, notice the word "apparently" in FML.

It may not feel like it right now, but you are a lucky duckling this happened. No wasting anymore time/your life on a jerk this big. I really recommend treating yourself to something you like/like to do. May your day be better!

No way in HELL should you feel bad. Your boyfriend's a complete and utter ass.

FalloutScrolls 25

What a lowlife! You're better off without someone that shallow!

It might hurt now OP, but it will get better. You don't want to be with someone who is not only superficial, but openly admits to being so, nothing will ever be good enough for these types of people. Also, I wonder if the other girl knows the reason he gave for breaking up with you, because if I was her and was aware of it, there's no way I'd be going out with him.

Wow, an alternate you who is even prettier. Regardless of your sexuality, I say you make a move on her yourself; chances like these come along so rarely.