Nice try

By Anonymous - 18/07/2011 20:21 - Netherlands

Today, my boyfriend wanted me to meet the girl he has been cheating on me with. He thinks it makes the cheating more understandable if I see how 'hot' she is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 591
You deserved it 6 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

renaee 13

You mean ex, right? She means ex, right?

littlemissFYL 5

your boyfriend was hoping for either: A.) a threesome or B.) a cat fight that would seemingly lead you two out of your clothing


obviously you make the best of the situation and have a threesome

bubo_fml 10

Get some payback...Go out on a double date to a poshresturant. Then, between courses, give your date a ******* at the table...Extra points if your date is your ex's father!

You're an idiot for obviously putting up with a horrible boyfriend. Ever heard of the saying there are other fish in the sea?

Richierich4688 5

Lmao! But ydi for staying with this jackass!

Not all guys are this way and im so happy they aren't! But i really hope you dumped him and found a real man that would never do you like that! and as for all the guys that think girl totally hate it when they are gentlemen...that's totally untrue...i love guys that are gentlemen and thats all i allow myself to be involved with...complete gentlemen!

fatunicorn24 0

why the **** are you with him?

westcoastboii16 3