Nice try

By Anonymous - 18/07/2011 20:21 - Netherlands

Today, my boyfriend wanted me to meet the girl he has been cheating on me with. He thinks it makes the cheating more understandable if I see how 'hot' she is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 591
You deserved it 6 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

renaee 13

You mean ex, right? She means ex, right?

littlemissFYL 5

your boyfriend was hoping for either: A.) a threesome or B.) a cat fight that would seemingly lead you two out of your clothing


I think Op has probably dumped this douche by now. He probably was still her boyfriend when he told her this. If she would have said ex-boyfriend, it would seem like he cheated on her a long time ago and that she would already have known about it, which I think wasn't the case. He just came out of nowhere with this information, I think Op had no idea about him cheating on her.

Understandable? Yes. Forgivable? No.

oxxxjackyxxxo 3

just be glad he didnt cheat on u with sumone uglier ..... :)

maryll001 0

she totally deserves it cos she didn't dump him...considering she already knows he's cheating

your boyfriend...well I'm assuming ex boyfriend, is a moron.

Well I see how it is. ftw. **** you FML

what the hell?! I know you broke up with him.