Nice try

By Peel - This FML is from back in 2008 but it's good stuff - France

Today, while I was leaving a restaurant, the very handsome waiter, whom I had been trying to hit on all night, said to me, in front of everyone, "Why did you write your phone number on the table with hearts around it? You know I won't call you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 057
You deserved it 7 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is cleeearly FML material, who the hell says something like that to someone? he could have just not called. he didn't have to be a ******** in front of everyone

dforrt 0

The FML was that he said this IN FRONT OF everyone. That was the point, and u missed it


I know some guy and multiple years ago when he was at camp some girl asked a guy next to him for a pencil and the guy shouts out "no I will not kiss u in?front of all these people!"

Sober1128 9

restaurants with paper on the table? I used to work at one.

Oh wow, that´s what I call embarrassing! :O

fallingstarsxox 8

I agree with number 1 shoulda came up with a insult

How rude and unpleasant of him. You're lucky he's not going to call you