By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 06:48 - Australia
Avalanches tells us more.
I cried.
Top comments
The plural 'lines' especially worries me.
No shit sherlocks OP.
Absolute moron comes to mind regarding OP. How stupid are you to even consider that!! YDI
I snort curry lines every other day. It really clears the sinuses.
Clears the sinuses? There would be no sinuses left!
My thoughts exactly
Why would you snort curry powder dumbass? You should've snorted cocaine.
My friend did that only it was with wasabi powder. I thought he was an idiot too.
He's from New South Wales, what do you expect??
69 - You might be even dumber then OP for that statement.
Just say no.
78, what's that meant to mean? I couldn't even image listing places worse than NSW, there'd be too many. BTW, where are you from? You must be from a very 'perfect' place to be saying shit about NSW. And I'm not just saying this. I'm talking from experience. I live in NSW and I've travelled to numerous places nationally and internationally to know that I should be lucky in the state I live in.
69, i agree. If you want to snort anything, make sure it's coke heheheh (pls note the sarcasm). OP YOU're a dumbass
114 I am from qld if you must know
Better drink your own piss.
I don't even know where NSW is but I'm sure it doesn't suck.
New South Wales is an Australian state on the east coast, Sydney is there.
Typical American...
Try coke instead.
I never snort anything up my noise, waste of time. Much better high up the nostril!
what could someone possible say to convince you to do that?!?
"We'll snort a line, too"
"Here's a million pounds if you snort a line of curry powder!"
To be fair, I would too for a million.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayNo, it's up his nose.
How old are you, 14?
I'm 15 and I wouldn't if you paid me!
I might.... Possibly...... Problably not....... Pretty sure I wouldn' ****** way
121 refer to your username.
Im 14 and not stupid enough to do that
I say F the generation's life for being capable of something as idiotic as snorting anything. That is all.
People were snorting things way before OP's generation.
Curry powder Hurried into your nasal tunnel, And is churning surely Irritating and burning your nerves. No joke there, im just incredibly bored.
I love your dp! It does look like Asian calligraphy.
Did ya cry? I bet you did...
I cried.
why? no really...why?
That picture is a joke

Wow, you're a dumb ass.
Why snort anything up your noise? Slippery slope brah