By hborkowski - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Asheville

By hborkowski - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Asheville
He's probably listening to the music.
What if the bathroom had no music playing? :S
Does "an urinal", being grammatically correct, still sound wrong to anybody else?...
Oh, yeah it does. I read it as 'a urinal' though. Weird.
37- It's not grammatically correct, some words don't follow that rule.
It's pronounced as joorinal - that's why it uses "a" instead of "an" - it depends on pronunciation, not on wether or not it actually starts with a vowel / consonant.
there is no "j" sound in urinal. there however p in a urinal
An umbrella vs A university
Should have turned around so he could have felt the warmth!
Or he could've turned around, looked him straight in the eyes and said "I know".
Just take the compliment OP
He reminds me of that old guy in family guy.
*from. An elderly gentleman? My god OP, don't be rude and gently take your pants off for the heck of it.
Why did you have to tarnish your good comment?
I literally read "That's nice." to myself in his voice lol.
Ah yes herbert the pervert
24- I wanted it too be balanced in some way.
XD That's.true! But it would've been even funnier had the man actually looked like him
73 I think you mean popssssssssicles in his ccccccccccellar.
Then let it loosen up a bit
I am sure there are moments you wished you were a boy... a lot of moments.
I'm on meds that stop my period, can't get pregnant, and don't wear the kind of bra you can snap. I can also pee standing up, though this is not a talent I use particularly often, it beats squatting in the bush getting your ass bit by mosquitoes. That's pretty much all the benefits of being male covered, and I don't even have to deal with any Awkward Boners!
46- got this life thing figured out
Reasons to not want to be a man, getting hit in the balls, kidney stones, awkward boners, etc…
I just don't know how they run with those thing bouncing around... Not that I don't appreciate them but I like to cross my legs. Plus when I'm with my guy friends and I mess up playing a game or practically anything I can blame it on having a ******. Or if I kick their ass at a game it's more impressive. I'm good with being a girl. The baby stuff does scare the crap out of me though.
Blame it on having a ******? What?! Your ****** doesn't make you mess up a game, being unlucky/bad at the game does! sorry but if I sucked at something I'd say " :/ oh I suck at that" rather than "oh shit, probably coz i have ovaries" -.-
Them don't have a baby.
Who doesn't?
@56 Don't have to be a man to get kidney stones, just need kidneys...
Yeah man, having one less awkward situation is totally better than equality
65, dknt your **** get in the way more than our dicks do?
Was he the pope or something?
Isn't the pope just a glorified catholic priest?
No, nice as in, you are so ******* gross, why the **** does your penis look like 2 rabid raccoons scratching their butts against a dead tree. When has it ever been different?
A very disturbing one.
Don't be rude, say thank you!
If you're creeped out, try not to think about it and move on. If the guy tries to approach you, tell him you're not interested and he should leave you alone. If you're just confused, take it as a compliment. If he approaches you later, you can meet him again if you're legitimately interested. If you're not 18 or older, stay in school and don't do anything you might regret. You're not at the proper age to experience/carry those kinds of burdens. That is all :P
You are 19, you would know about being a mature adult
33- Must be AIDS or other STD's
@33 The term burden can applied to anything that one acquires after an act that is regretted. The memory of that act could be scarring. The feelings one person felt during said act might be nauseating to re-experience from that point onwards. The health complications one person could acquire from said act could be scandalous to himself/herself. I could go on but that's all I can think about at the moment
More than two shakes means your playing with it (not that there is anything wrong with playing with it once and a while)!!!
Awkward urinal moments are the reason I'm glad to be a girl
He reminds me of that old guy in family guy.