Night on the tiles

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Ireland - Gorey

Today, I thought it would be a good idea to sneak out of work early and pay a little visit to the pub. I ended up staggering home, drunkenly making myself a nacho cheese dorito milkshake with the blender, then promptly puked my guts out all over the kitchen table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 982
You deserved it 46 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bonzer 2

"Today, I thought it would be a good idea to sneak out of work..." YDI.

First you misspell "definitely", then you use "sneek", and then you go with "snook"? Really?? That's...I Can I just slap you?


YDI... Also, learn to handle your liquor better.

Sanch101 7

How is something which is entirely your own fault and something you had complete control over happening an FML?

Sanch101 7

There is that but hardly a FML. More a DIM

Congrats, this is the only FML post I have ever clicked YDI on before even finishing the first sentence.

Congratulations! You win the Fucktard of the Year Alcoholic award.

similar thing happened me. dying of a hangover today...such is life in Ireland :)

Lol at all the people on this site scorning posters for "irresponsible" acts. As if any of you have never fooled off or made a mistake before. Self righteous twats. Next time OP go with the voice in ur head telling u it's a bad idea

nela25 23

jajajajajaja #61 has the best comment

No, I believe it goes something like "hahaha". And if you like their comment, hit the reply button and reply to it. Or simply push the thumbs-up button.

haha. Just another day in Ireland.