Night snack

By adventurousnightsbutnotinagoodway - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Netherlands - Leiden

Today, it was safe to say I started sleepwalking again, after I woke up with a mouth filled with soil and a ravaged plant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 030
You deserved it 3 743

Top comments

hannahsnyder69 16

You might want to set up a video camera to see what's going on


Darn that must suck majorly. Maybe see a doc to see what might've triggered it again?

RedPillSucks 31

Ravaged plant? What the hell were you doing? The poor radish! Luckily it wasn't a cactus.

Nothing like some weed at midnight to wake you up!

You've got to get your fiber from somewhere.

suslord 10


Keerow 3

....I'm ashamed of how hard I laughed at this...

lyndsayylouudogg 1

READ OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 PM. 9 yearsago ... a person named jerry got dared to sleep in ahouse that was believed haunted. the day hisfriends waited for him outside the house ... ... ...they had to go inside and sarech for him.they wentthrough every room exept the attic he wasntsupposed to sleep in the living room they went into the attic .hey saw jerrys corpse and they just leftbecause they were scared. but that night they alldied because of their friend . he killed them all formaking him sleep in that house if you dont sendthis to 11 comments you will die tonight by jerry ,example 1: a man named stewart read and didntbelieve it. he shut off his computer and wentthrough his day. that night while he was in bed heheard something outside of his door. he got up tolook and now he is dead .example 2: a girl namedhaley read this in the morning and she got scaredbut she didnt send it. she wanted to now if it wastrue . she went to school (she was only 13 yearsold) and that night she died if you dont post thison 11 cmments tonight jerry will vist you his isntfake. apparntly if yo copy and paste this to tencomments in the next ten minuets you will have thebest day of your life tomorrow. you will either get akissed or asked out if you brake this chain you willsee a little dead girl i your room tonight. in the next53 minuets someone will say i love you or i amsorry L

Sounds like Jerry is a sleepwalker, too.

The only scary thing about #20's comment is the spelling, grammar and the overall lack of spacebar usage. Thumb this up 11 times or you will die tonight at 11:11.