By Granny - 24/10/2009 21:14 - United Kingdom

Today, I was having a nice moment with my granddaughter as she was being affectionate by stroking my face. We were both quite content, until she said, "Aw, Grandma, your skin feels just like a crocodile." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 965
You deserved it 3 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heheh, that's kind of cute! I wouldn't worry too much about it, she probably thinks you're part reptile, now, and therefore ten times cooler in her eyes. You should have told her that.


Heheh, that's kind of cute! I wouldn't worry too much about it, she probably thinks you're part reptile, now, and therefore ten times cooler in her eyes. You should have told her that.

Ajjas013 6

Tell her you can fly too. Just in case.

fosizzlemynizzlE 0

i thought old people didnt know how to use the internet..much less know about this website.

PaulG10 0

apparently this grandma is totally badass! haha :D

SteelCladAngel 0

Both My grandma and my great grandma use internet... :/

i doubt a grandma would go on if she uses the internet.....just not the right demographic.

TenebrificTurtle 0

She might be a young grandmother, and don't judge alligators by the limitations put on old people.

Me too, when I read it I didn't think about the story all that was going through my mind was, a grandma is on fml?

Ajjas013 6

BHAHAHAHAHAA LOL do they have Harley's aswell? XD jk, they sound awesome =]

oboewhore_xD 6

My grandma sits in a chair and watches HGTV and Young and the Restless. :/

eriyana8 0

umm.. that's kinda gross how she was stroking your face

that's weird! I would NEVER in a million years stroke my gma's face! eww!

Kid coulda been between 2-5 saying something like that. Grandma could be as young as 40-45. I think it's definitely plausible. Especially with all the uber young mommies out there..

32- maybe shes a young grandma???? my friends grandma is 37 yeats old:)

gigi2009 0

Funny.... But how does the granddaughter know what crocodile skin feels like?

LMFAO. Reading thisade my day. Random kid sayings are the best ever!

perdix 29

And you said, "That's because I AM a crocodile!" and ate her up.

elmyra_duff 0

if this isn't fake, madam, i congratulate you for using the internet and submitting fml to this site. i'm not kidding, it took me a while to teach my parents how to send emails. anyways, i dont think fyl. be happy that you are with your granddaughter. appearance is nothing, health and happiness are the important things in life.

why the hell was your grandkid stroking your face?

Lots of kids do this... it's a sign of affection and many kids like to feel different textures. My grandmother always lived with us and when we were younger, my little sister used to call my grandma 'messy face mom' and my mom 'smooth face mom'. :P