
By Unteachable - 08/02/2017 06:00 - United States

Today, as a high school English teacher, I had to read submissions for a writing contest. The entries were filled with words like "irregardless", "could of", "acrost", and "ain't". These papers were supposedly written by the best students in the school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 298
You deserved it 809

Same thing different taste

Underfunded and underappreciated

By lrn2spel, teach - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Mogadore

Today, I got back the essay I wrote about how my country's education system is fucked. At one point, I made a spelling mistake. My teacher wrote a note about it, basically calling me illiterate, and telling me to pay attention in school instead of whining about it. She misspelled "school". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 062
You deserved it 4 676

Top comments

America has had a terrible education system for decades. It's not a new thing. If anything, it was improved under Obama.

I had one that demanded you write (sic) behind every quote. You only use (sic) after a quote or word if they used improper grammar and it's letting the reader know that improper phrase is exactly what the person said.


Im in first year University, so my high school experience wasn't long ago. I was always in advanced English, yet the grammar and pronunciation of most of the other students in my class was a disaster. We had ESL students in our advanced class! One essay I had to edit started off with "Shakespeare's been dead since time." The point is, students don't care about English anywhere, because they speak it well enough to get by, and they don't think its important.

All these butt-hurt conservatives are trying to blame Obama while Trump is appointing Betsy DeVos as secretary of education. Hilarious.

elliotts2000 0
EmDizzle2007 28

this has to be a southern person