No escape

By natty - 16/03/2009 16:02 - United States

Today, I went to a party and the cops came to bust the party. I jumped out the window of a second story house in order to avoid getting arrested. I broke my leg in three places and got a concussion. The cops let everyone go with a warning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 309
You deserved it 203 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PhantomMask 0

Why didn't you just hide in the closetor something?

MistAtMarseilles 0

hahah this is awesome, id love to see that and #1, obviously he/she was drunk, the window probably seemed like the fail-proof option at the time


This sounds like a kid i know from South was hilarious he was all jacked up on something and also drunk then he jumped out of his friends window and broke either one leg badly or both of his legs...I cant remember but yeah it was bad

You're my hero man :) nice attempt to be a free man. Only to fail epically.

wow thats excellent advice #18. did you hear that boys and girls

#32: im from ontario, canada and there are consequences of providing alcohol to minors, but at a party, alcohol is everywhere, how are the cops to know where you got it? and there's far too many people in a house to just pick out 1 person to arrest. in canada, the cops don't even notifiy the house owners of the party, they just make everyone leave. you can even throw a party the next day and they will do the same thing.

Kippgore123 0

I heard about bad luck huh

ROFLMAO This is my favorite FML. That was just so retardedly brilliant.

ROFL, YDI for being drunk, but hope u'll fell better!