No fun allowed

By karmas a kunt - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was at work when an elderly lady casually mentioned it was her birthday. I motioned two of my coworkers over, and we sang a little "Happy Birthday" to her over the phone. Our boss stormed in mid-song and suspended all three of us on the spot for "unprofessional behavior." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 787
You deserved it 2 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Canchan 12

Your boss is a prick . He should've at least let you finish the song .

Forget your boss, but that was really sweet of you especially since it was an elderly lady :)


DidUrMom_Twice 6

I thank its time to call Motherfucka Jones and take care of it

That's why many people don't do nice things anymore. They get the backlash from it. We need less assholes and more thoughtful people like you op!

jezalfa_ 12

That was a nice gesture of you, OP! :) But I'm sorry to hear that. Your boss really can't accept nice gestures his workers do.

That's sucks OP! I'm sorry he did that. But that was very kind of you and your coworkers to do that for your customer :)

Special_Psycho 8

Your boss is an ass. Either that or s/he has some deep emotional trouble based on birthdays.

roxyartist 8

Well, at least you are a nice guy, OP. :)