No fun allowed

By karmas a kunt - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was at work when an elderly lady casually mentioned it was her birthday. I motioned two of my coworkers over, and we sang a little "Happy Birthday" to her over the phone. Our boss stormed in mid-song and suspended all three of us on the spot for "unprofessional behavior." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 787
You deserved it 2 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Canchan 12

Your boss is a prick . He should've at least let you finish the song .

Forget your boss, but that was really sweet of you especially since it was an elderly lady :)


The question that I want to know is, where do you work that your boss thinks it is inappropriate to sing "Happy Birthday" but okay to make a scene about you singing.

Aspen_Grace33 27

Sorry to hear that, OP, but if it's any consolation at least you made her birthday special!!!

No happy birthday song for you boss on his special day then! Hmmph

He's a "dipshexclamationmarkt", is he?! I'm gonna write that one down, because I'm a sarcastic dipshit with a bad memory.

olpally 32

Nice username op... Lmao... Your boss definitely is that word! Suspended for a happy birthday song? What the **** is that? Just another boss abusing his power I guess... You need mother ****** jones!

devious418 3

That's messed up lol...!! What a dad/no offense...!

Guys, I don't think you understand 21's comment. OP's boss is obviously his dad, because the people he works for are hell-bent on nepotism and corruption. It's pretty obvious OP works for the Mafia's new customer service department. Not really seeing how you're missing that fact, but we all make mistakes.

Damn it, 33. I should have seen that. All that information is CLEARLY written write there in the FML. All I had to do was read between the lines.

fredh33 3

Cute but happy birthday over the phone is unproffesional

I'm sure this has been stated already, but your boss is an ass. -_- He should be ashamed of himself. Does customer service not exist anymore?

Not only is he a dick he's also a heartless bastard

TheSeasonsChange 0