No fun allowed

By karmas a kunt - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was at work when an elderly lady casually mentioned it was her birthday. I motioned two of my coworkers over, and we sang a little "Happy Birthday" to her over the phone. Our boss stormed in mid-song and suspended all three of us on the spot for "unprofessional behavior." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 787
You deserved it 2 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Canchan 12

Your boss is a prick . He should've at least let you finish the song .

Forget your boss, but that was really sweet of you especially since it was an elderly lady :)


Wii624 5

Jeez sounds like your boss has a fun and exciting life...

olpally 32

Oops.. My butt decided to add another comment... Lol *thumbs down*

answeryourphone 3

He's just mad because no one sings to him on his birthday because he's a dick. I hope it made her day and she didn't think too much of your dumbass boss. You did a good deed. Thank you.

You should report your boss to corporate or human resources (HR). You just might win :)

Your boss is an asshole. You tried to make a customer's day and that's the reward you for it.

The_F3rris 11

I wonder if the nice elderly woman on the phone overheard that...

mookiemookie01 24