No good

By :(( - 28/09/2013 21:24 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I was all set to lose my virginity to my girlfriend. I was ecstatic, until she threatened to "beat the fuck" out of me if I didn't make it good for her. The actual sex was 30 seconds of me being given death glares, causing me to lose my boner, and have to leave in shame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 444
You deserved it 8 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if she's so uncaring about it, you should now know she's not worth it...


should have told her "don't get mad, get glad!"

CaroAurelia 12

You need to exit that relationship, like, yesterday. That's borderline verbal abuse, and "borderline" is putting it mildly.

His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.

why would someone so awful be your girlfriend ? she sounds psycho

Why in gods name is she your girlfriend? ydi

Was so weird seeing this old fml dated 28/09/2013 about losing virginity, this is the exact date I lost mine, crazy how long ago it was now