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By Anonymous - 02/05/2015 02:22 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I lost my virginity to the girl of my dreams. I could tell she really enjoyed it, because she muttered "Well, that was disappointing." afterwards, then got dressed, said she'd made a huge mistake, and asked me not to call her again. Yep, total stud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 023
You deserved it 4 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she left- she sounds like a pretty horrid person. You deserve better OP :)


You know, that's not everything. It should be with someone who appreciates it. It's not all about just doing it, #1.

You expected to be a god your first try? Try being good at anything compared to an experienced person your first try.. you don't lose your virginity to your love! you have a fee practices first?! everyone knows that! or that's what I've been telling myself while looking for my one true love! practicing >.>

gobiteme2 34

# 55 What a Dick Head thing to say. Oh wait they were just practicing on you.

It can't always be about if you enjoyed it, think of her

At least she left- she sounds like a pretty horrid person. You deserve better OP :)

Your right, it was O.P's first time, noone does good on the first time, if she really was the girl of his dreams she wouldn't have said that. Hope he finds someone better.

Sometimes sex just isn't good for one or both people involved when it's the first time, practice makes perfect

Just ask her what she wants next time, practice won't do anything to help that

I doubt (and also hope for OP, as he probably deserves better) that there won't be a next time with that girl. Also, I think the key to good sex is a combination of practice and communication.

Exactly, I had a hard time getting the angle right the first time lol

Ok wtf there's like nothing to practice it's the easiest shit in the world, some girls just want some certain thing and if it doesn't happen then there like well that sucked

Yes, because technique doesn't mean anything at all. Practice will make it so that even if you don't know exactly what she likes, you still have the know-how to make sure she enjoys what you're doing. Nobody is good their first time, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

That's just what she told you. "Wow. That was amazing. You rocked my world." She just didn't want to hurt your feelings. Unless you mean you killed any chance of a repeat performance. That's more believable!

I repeated that performance several times

Ah, I see you're missing the female perspective here. #48 You didn't "kill it" your first time. It's just not possible. Best case scenario is that she was a virgin, or inexperienced too, so you could learn technique together. Most girls don't even ****** from penetration for several years after they start having sex. And the ones who ****** sooner than that aren't banging virgins.

I don't know if 48 will be able to grasp your comment, 69. According to his previous comments he seems pretty delusional. Yeah, I'm sure you did kill it on your first time. Just like how girls ****** during their first time.

Ok since everyone wants to bombard me with whatever they think they know, it was not her first time when I lost my virginity, I made her ****** and she was in shock because she had previously thought she orgasmed but then she learned that day, what an ****** was. We continued to have sex for several years after that and it went very well, so have fun thinking whatever you want. You can know what you're doing thing first time, like I said sex isn't very hard everyone sort of at least knows somewhat what to do before they do it...God damn

To be honest I unknowingly took my boyfriend's virginity. I could never have guessed it was his first time. Yea I didn't have a roaring ****** but it was fun, enjoyable, and we had great chemistry. Virgin sex between under 20 year olds, generally, is awkward and male-******-focused. But everyone is different.

SweetSociopathy 24

Regardless what age you lose your virginity, you'll always be better after you've practiced, and ascend you'll continually get better. You're still in college, so to most 30 year old women, you would seem pretty bad in bed, There's a learning curve to sex, whether you're still too young to realize it or not.

SweetSociopathy 24

I was a guy's first time and he was absolutely amazing. Best sex ever. And I had been with a few before him. So it is possible.

Wow! You deserve sooooo much better op!!!

That's why you leave before she gets the chance to do something like that

like 4 steps further then i came with my crush... She left after i tried to kiss her and said she couldn't.

Interesting story. But what does this have to do with the FML? I'm kinda confused.