No joking please

By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 02:08 - United States

Today, I went to the ER after a fall. Before the nurse did an X-Ray, she gave me a pregnancy test. It came back negative. I joked, "No martians have crawled into my uterus, then?" She didn't get it, and I had my head scanned for brain trauma. Never crack a joke in a hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 987
You deserved it 7 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Martian babies don't show up on the pregnancy tests.

you have an awesome sense of humor. I love you


way to go. you killed your alien baby during the fall.

They aren't going to do this kind of test without a good reason. Cracking really stupid jokes at the hospital isn't enough of a reason for them to check out your head.

Are you sure it was because you said that? At the hospitals I've worked in, we usually take brain scans after someone has a fall for preliminary reasons. If not, then yeah, FYL.

This the reason why insurance rates are high....head scan for that? That RN should be checked out for fraud.

lindsaysue 4

Nurse's don't get paid extra for extra procedures. It's usually standard protocol to do a head CT after a fall. And the nurse doesn't order procedures, that's outside her scope of practice, it's the Dr. that orders tests and procedures.

the reason you got your brain scanned wasn't because of your joke. Per protocol most falls or trauma will make the doctor order that test. FYI- for most females under 50 a pregnancy is ordered before any radiology or CT scan is done to make sure you aren't pregnant for obvious reasons.

my guess is she needed an x-ray for a fracture (hence the fall), so that's why they asked if she was pregnant. And after her answer, they also ordered a brain scan for her. a brain scan really isn't done that easily, atleast not in belgium.

foreverjoseph 5

Foreverjoseph - I have some bad news for you, friend. This is the FML comment section. The Mighty FML Deity designed it so that people can comment. And as you have so easily discovered, it's also designed so that people can comment on the comments. This comment thread is actually a relatively intelligent one, rather than the usual "lol u fail" bullshit that we see here. I applaud the commenters for once. So think about that before you tell people to shut up. Just because it's FML, doesn't mean people can't have a reasonable intelligent conversation about it. That is, unless you aren't bright enough to understand all the big words being thrown around. I think I hit the nail on the head.

It was a pretty square hit too; we had better get that nail a pregnancy test.

Would I go straight to hell for a joke about "getting pregnant from giving head?"

You lot saying it's stupid wouldn't say that it was stupid if any of you were in the same situation. it's called precautions.

Wow how does someone not get that? At least you tried op.. Everyone can't share your sense of humor though i guess...i thought it was funny..

They would've scanned your brain regardless. I had a fall once (fell on my face) and I had to get my head x-rayed.

30, maybe you should get your brain scanned.. It's not free in Canada you just don't see the cost as much.. Someone still pays for it you dumb kid... Besides in Canada you probably wouldn't have been brain scanned because they decided you weren't worth that scan or something..

ktrose 0

Oh, so you're a Canadian then?

Yup, you'd wait 12 hours to be told (not in so many words, but) that they don't have time (and money) to waste on a CT scan for you. Come back next week if you're dead... Other than that, lovely system :)

No, ktrose, but this is 2011 and we have a really cool new thing called the internet. What's neat about the internet is it lets you talk to people from around the world (or sitting next to you on the couch!) and find out how they feel or what they want or experience. It's neat there's also a few sites that will tell you about current events in other countries! You really should go and experience it! A good starting spot would be here: Thanks for your comment though! It gave me a chance to spread the word about my most recent discovery!

ktrose 0

79- Oh, I'm sorry did my comment sound like I was being a sarcastic bitch? Oh right, that would be your comment. How about you learn to socialize with a tone of respect for others and I'll read the rest of your unnecessary comment. I asked a simple question that required a simple answer.

Your question, while it looked simple, was not. It was worded as bait not as a simple question. "Are you Canadian?" or "Where in Canada are you located?" are simple questions. You would have to be blind to not see that "Oh, so you're Canadian then?" is a loaded question. You're just a liberal who likes to think they're intelligent and therefore, when you're outwitted you can't take it and try to pass it off as the other person's mistake. Next time you want to try to bait someone with a loaded question, try not to be completely obvious. The only time your question would not be a "loaded question" would be if you had been pondering where I was from as in, "Oh he FINALLY let it slip, he must be from Canada!" Which, I doubt is the case... I'm glad you got back to me so soon though! Thanks buddy! TTYL!

As for my respect for you or others, it must be earned.

That's not a loaded question. Maybe it might look like one to you, but I'm pretty sure it's called a rhetorical question- asking a question intended to challenge beliefs. Ktrose was just basically saying: "If you're not from Canada, and you're not well educated in that area, then don't bitch about the healthcare system". By the way, you know who pays? Taxpayers. And generally, paying taxes that go to healthcare is better than paying directly out of your pocket, as it doesn't bankrupt anybody. You're probably a troll, if not, just an angry republican. Does this post sound like an essay? Is it annoying and condescending? Good, I've matched your post. :D

Now, I'd like to say you seem like a reasonable, intelligent fellow but I can't so I'll just continue. First off, I'm not sure how that's considered a rhetorical question based on the way it's worded. Also, the author of the comment posted that it was a "simple question with a simple answer" in his next comment which makes it evident that it DID have an answer (even if I am taking things too literally and out of context based on my response to him). I'm not sure what you're talking about claiming taxes are better than "paying directly out of your pocket", as if that's what people generally do... Most people these days have what we call "insurance" and this is paid right out of most people's paychecks JUST like taxes. The DIFFERENCE is that taxes go to these people who like to waste money called the GOVERNMENT while these amounts we pay to our insurance go to a private company. This is better because this allows for something called COMPETITION. Competition causes insurance companies to set competitive prices to try to get more consumers. The government has no reason to compete because whether we're broke or not, they still get their tax money from someone. That brings me to your ridiculous statement about paying taxes not bankrupting anyone. I'm not sure what your financial situation is but, chances are, you're still a child. See, when you pay taxes, the money you get in your paycheck becomes less. This is a problem because, if you have $200 worth of bills to pay and your paycheck is $230 (or whatever the numbers may be) and you have to pay 10% of your paycheck to taxes, you end up with $207. This is fine until the government raises your taxes to 15% which leaves you with 195.50 to pay your $200 worth of bills. This leaves you SHORT for your bills... And just a little aside, I pay about 80% less for my health insurance than I do in taxes. I'm not sure what you expected but my comments are "annoying and condescending" because, as I stated before, you/ktrose/etc have not earned any respect from me and my comments may appear to be "written like an essay" because they have what's called "structure" to them.

And after looking at you and ktrose's profiles, I just want to say, there's a reason for age limits on voting...

ktrose 0

First off, Lord_of_0 - Thank you for your comment! :) Now Stevenmx86, 1. Your opinion on Canada's voting age.. it has no matter. In fact, it was not even a necessary comment. I agree though, no one below the age of 18 should be able to vote.. but, I don't remember that being a component of this FML. 2. Please refrain from referring to me as a "him". Are you honestly that ignorant? You've stated that you've viewed my profile, which means by clear definition that you've seen from my picture and my information that I am a female. 4. You stated before that I asked you a "loaded question".. You must be out of your mind to think that "oh, so you're a Canadian" is one. Your reply should have been, "no, I am not a Canadian" or "yes, I happen to be a Canadian actually", not some long response that I decided was not worthy of reading fully. Have a nice day though. For the record, you took my comment way out of context. If you choose to reply, be my guest. Will I be replying back? Absolutely not. I prefer not to deal with ignorant people.

Well, you tried kid-o! Let me structure my reply as you structured yours. Now "ktrose": 1. I'm sure you didn't really understand it but my comment about the voting age was meant to express my relief that you and your ignorant friend lordy are too young to vote. 2. You also seem to have missed something in this one (I'm shocked!). It would be a pretty logical deduction, seeing as I replied with the comment about viewing your profiles AFTER I had written the other comment, that I probably hadn't seen your profile as of writing the initial comments. So, learn to think BEFORE you write (An insane idea I know). 3.(4) I'm sure you meant to, just like you'll insist to the end that your question was not a loaded one, but you skipped number 3 and went straight to 4.. Your question was worded like a loaded question. A normal question is not asked in that way (as I explained before). ALSO, to use your own ridiculous argument for "point 2", your question was not a necessary question. This stands true because, UNLESS you meant for me to admit some type of fault, your question was not necessary or pertinent seeing as my location wouldn't matter unless you were trying to prove, somehow, that my statement was not to be taken seriously because I'm not from Canada. (This is basically the definition of a loaded question-A question designed to, one way or another, cause the person being asked to admit fault or guilt) So, in conclusion, I don't feel that I took your question out of context I feel that you fit your age and can't admit that you've been found out so you'll continue to insist that the question wasn't loaded. I'll leave this comment because I'm fairly certain you'll be back to read it and, if you choose not to reply, at least I'll have gotten the last word!

TL;DR and nobody cares. Thanks for asking.

Ummm, who are you now? I'm not surprised you didn't feel the need to read it seeing as you haven't been part of the conversation at all...