No, just no

By misterhippo - 22/04/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I texted the hottest girl in the school saying, "I really like you, we should date". She responded with a text saying, "Sorry, I'm not into you." I then got a text saying, "Sorry, my brother stole my phone, and answered, but still it's no". I got rejected twice. Once by a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 992
You deserved it 12 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The "hottest girl in school"? Good thing to know you like her for more than her looks. And you texted her to ask her out? Smart move, Casanova. She sounds dumb though.. try and find yourself someone a bit nicer and ask them out IRL.

ripped. maybe you should've manned up and asked her IRL


I think there's enough stupidity to go around on this one. Asking the 'the hottest girl at school' (nice by the way, why not just go the whole nine yards and refer to her as 'the bitch with the biggest rack') by text is either a sign of cowardice or 'say-what?!' stoopid. In equal measure, the girl is either willfully harsh or stunningly tactless, dumb and self-absorbed. All in all a good end result for you I'd say. Maybe next time work your relationship up to the point where you can have a face-to-face conversation and then ask.

KeithHarris 0

Who 'texts' a girl that he likes her. What a loser. Have some balls next time and ask her out in person my man! nothing like getting laughed at to your face to make you feel like a man :-D mmmm tasty

epic_phail 0

if a guy sent me a TEXT that said "I like you, we should date" I would turn him down too, cause not only is that tacky cause it's a TEXT but because the way you worded it was AWFUL.

At lest you can be relieved that gay guys don't like you (if your straight)

I don't mind the fact you texted her in order to ask her out, but who the hell says "I like you, we should date"? That just sounds childish. Also, it sounds like you don't really know each other so I see why she rejected you.

Lucky19 0

"I like you. We should date"? Oh, how greatly worded was that? If a girl replied like that, though, you're probably better off without her. She clearly doesn't think before she speaks, or at least doesn't consider your feelings. It's FYL because you obviously had some feelings for her (Hopefully, otherwise you're worse than her) and getting rejected twice is a pretty mean thing to happen to anyone. I'm also tempted to say YDI for the wording of your pick-up line though

Doing anything that has to do with a relationship over a girl will want to hear any of that. Man up, show some confidence...and just friggin do it next time.

I would've texted a second time, just because I'd want to see it posted on a site like FML. It was like a twinge of hope in the first part of the sentence, then a "no" once again. hehehe

YDI for asking through a text, and being one of those shallow idiots that thinks "the hottest girl in school" is her best characterizing trait. I wish they'd make a seperate FML site for little kids so that these petty prepubescent "meh, my life suck because hawthorne heights tells me so" kids won't clog up everything with complaints that won't matter a week from now anyway. most of them have easy, sheltered, lives then act like the world is falling if some person they like they "love" because they have no idea what love actually is doesn't like them or because their parents get their sisters' nicer birthday presents. petty, spoiled bitches. /rant