No Ragerts

By "Sonofaquiche" - 07/05/2017 00:00

Today, after a night of drinking, I woke up in the hospital with a broken coccyx. Apparently, my drunk self came to the glorious conclusion that it would be a good idea to cannonball into a puddle while screaming "POOLPARTYYYY!" at the top of my lungs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 110
You deserved it 5 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

That's just silly. Everyone knows you're supposed to shout "CANNONBALL" when you perform a cannonball.

There's no reason to get that drunk.


There's no reason to get that drunk.

WeirdUS 29

You should cut back or stop drinking if you are doing things like that while drunk.

Druu 53

That's just silly. Everyone knows you're supposed to shout "CANNONBALL" when you perform a cannonball.

LOL don't listen to the haters thats awesome ??

That's sad. Now you won't be able to have children. That's why always wear a cup -- to protect my coccyx and my tentacles.

I take it you got an anatomy lesson from Doc Bastard.

Either this didn't happen or someone had to post this for you. No way someone that stupid could work out how to use a keyboard.

People who get this drunk don't get my sympathy.

Being drunk has consequences. Having no children in the future is apparently one of them.

Talis99 26

Do you not know what a coccyx is?

Lobby_Bee 17

That's why you don't go half drunk, you always go full drunk and just pass out. That way you can't hurt yourself doing dumb drunk shit.

everyone is aware that a coccyx is a tailbone right..? im confused at how having children came into play.. sorry op tough break

Marlon4136 4

I think everyone is kidding. The first person to post something about not being able to have children made a reference to coccyx and tentacles (instead of testicles).