No Ragrets

By surfergal91 - 14/02/2011 20:12 - United States

Today, I rummaged around in the attic, looking for old pictures of me and my family, so I could make a surprise collage. Instead, I found my dad's old journals, talking about how desperately he didn't want a kid, and how he wanted to leave my mother more and more every day that passed since I was born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 777
You deserved it 4 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't read far enough: Day 1: It pissed on me. I hate this thing. Day 2: It pissed on me again. How do I give it back? Day 3: Holy ******* hell, how do I shut it up? Day 4: She grabbed my finger. I swear she smiled at me. Oh my god, I love her more than anything! I promise, you don't understand until you have one of your own.

Wow, FYL for having to read that. But then again, you didn't have to. In fact, it's quite rude to read someone's journal. But because it must have been painful to read those things I'll vote FYL. I hope he turned out to be a good father :)


romano07 0

39- was that really necessary? I mean seriously, what's up your ass? lol lighten up, that was a dick move of op's dad so he has a right to call him one.

Gloritank 8

no he doesn't. ops dad felt like that 20 years ago never said it was current feelings.

Gloritank 8
Kelita 0

#49 would u like ur dad to b called a dick for Somethin he did long ago??? Uh no didnt think so. Oh n to answer ur question about wuts up ma ass....well it's YOU obviously.

there are many dads who didnt want kids and then find that they love them more than anything...that it took them time to cope with the change. If he was a good dad to you, then that is what is important, more than what he wrote years ago. You should not have read his journal, and more than that, dont judge the person he is now, based on what he wrote during a big time of change in his life.

That1TallK1d 0

It must suck knowing that you were an accident. /:

Where exactly does it say they were an accident? Also, personally, I'd be more bothered that my dad didnt want me >_>

Kelita 0

He was prob young n scared but I bet he don't feel like that now. Just talk to him about it if it really bothers u but honestly just brush it off cause that was back then.

QueenPersephone 9

He stayed, corrrect? Unless the journal entries were dated yesterday (recent within reason), shut up and forgive your father for momentary weakness. We all experience thoughts comparable to his at some point in our lives, your dad was just dumb enough to make a record of it.

You didn't read far enough: Day 1: It pissed on me. I hate this thing. Day 2: It pissed on me again. How do I give it back? Day 3: Holy ******* hell, how do I shut it up? Day 4: She grabbed my finger. I swear she smiled at me. Oh my god, I love her more than anything! I promise, you don't understand until you have one of your own.

"I promise, you don't understand until you have one of your own." Nice sentiment, but if it was true there wouldn't be any child abuse.

I don't think Doc is saying that feeling is shared by all parents but just that a non-parent wouldn't understand how you can fall suddenly and completely for a demanding, loud, messy, tiny person that utterly terrified you at your first meeting.

krazy_glu3 0

If your parents had you at a young age then I can kinda see where he's coming from.. kinda. I became pregnant at 17, and my bf didn't want the baby... but after a few months he stepped up. we are now married with two kids and he loves them more than anything I the world. He prolly was just scared and didn't know how to handle a baby. hopefully things changed and he stepped up and became a good dad. docs right, you don't know until you have one.

if your dad didnt really want kids he should have used better protection methods while doing your mom. He is part of the making of you. I hope he doesnt still try to blame you or your mom for it. Kids are a great thing, hope he realizes that someday if he hasnt already.

gondolada 0

YDI 1) Stop reading Nancy Drew. It doesn't give you good advice. YDI 2) Your dad is obviously still with you or this wouldn't be much of a surprise. Follow his lead and get over it. YDI 3) Maybe the whole reason he wanted to leave was because he realized he was getting into a family that made "surprise collages". WTH does that even mean?

WTF would you read someone else's journal? I don't feel sorry for you; I feel sorry for your father because you invaded his privacy.

So if you came across someone's journal, you wouldn't be curious and read it? I'm pretty sure most people would.

I would like to believe most people wouldn't. I know I wouldn't. In a similar situation, I returned the journal to the owner.