No uggos please

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Scottsbluff

Today, my girlfriend and I tried out a website where you upload pictures of two people, and it shows you what their future children might look like. She actually started crying because the kid we were shown wasn't cute enough for her liking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 872
You deserved it 4 554

Top comments

joeyl2008 29

That's understandable since websites like that are 100% realistic.


mrwilsong 6

Sorry dude but she's probably going to replace you

You should have started crying because your kids are going to have a chance at getting her brain.

Tell her "the website has a bug in the code"

Were they creepy looking like in the movie "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"?

Thankfully, children are not a fusion of their parents faces. Otherwise some people would be truly terrifying. Ever heard two ugly people have cute babies? Tell her two good looking people have average looking babies to pacify her.

It's just a website, it's probably not accurate

Tell her every child is beautiful and cute no matter what so she should just be happy that she might have a child and if she is going to care about the looks of the child tell her not to have one

Yeah, but she obviously doesn't believe that. Also, there are some people (myself included) who believe that there simply is no such thing as a cute, adorable, beautiful, or even tolerable child and would be better off not reproducing. OP might be doing the world a bigger favor if he convinces his girlfriend that she's actually one of us.

RedPillSucks 31
tony1891 22

so she bursts into tears Cause of some website ASSUMING what her kids would look like in the future?

I'm suddenly reminded of that episode of 6Teen, with the baby picture booth.