No uggos please

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Scottsbluff

Today, my girlfriend and I tried out a website where you upload pictures of two people, and it shows you what their future children might look like. She actually started crying because the kid we were shown wasn't cute enough for her liking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 872
You deserved it 4 554

Top comments

joeyl2008 29

That's understandable since websites like that are 100% realistic.


If she can be manipulated by a website that doesn't prove anything, then obviously she isn't ready for children. The only piece of technology that is accurate enough to tell you what your baby will look like is an ultrasound, so don't feel bad. I'm sure you'll make amazing babies if it's meant to be!

CaroAurelia 12

Those things always look creepy.