No uggos please

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Scottsbluff

Today, my girlfriend and I tried out a website where you upload pictures of two people, and it shows you what their future children might look like. She actually started crying because the kid we were shown wasn't cute enough for her liking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 872
You deserved it 4 554

Top comments

joeyl2008 29

That's understandable since websites like that are 100% realistic.


My boyfriend and I tried this and our kid came out less than spectacular. So my boyfriend merged his face with that of a smiling cartoon apple and damn was that the most beautiful child I've ever seen.

Only a website, yet...sorry to hear that your other half is really that shallow OP

Please remind her that those websites are just a suggestion of a possible child, not a guarantee. Those sites don't have any access to other genetics the child can pick up (grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc) so there's no way for them to know all the possibilities. Real people aren't generally just a mix of their parents' faces.

It's not exactly what they'll look like. It's just a web site.

When you two actually have a child you would have no idea what to think I mean genetics also go back to your parents a bit as well