No uggos please

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Scottsbluff

Today, my girlfriend and I tried out a website where you upload pictures of two people, and it shows you what their future children might look like. She actually started crying because the kid we were shown wasn't cute enough for her liking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 872
You deserved it 4 554

Top comments

joeyl2008 29

That's understandable since websites like that are 100% realistic.


revan546 24

Not to mention that isn't really how genetics works lol

Technology. The destroyer of relationships.

Tell her that technology could never reflect the true beauty that she possesses and her kids are going to inherit it.

For some reason I don't think that's the real issue here.

You know what some people say, two beautiful people make an ugly baby but I'm sure the child on the screen was still very adorable

joeyl2008 29

That's understandable since websites like that are 100% realistic.

I agree, my Caucasian boyfriend merged his face with a cartoon apple and created the most beautiful African American child I've ever seen. Just like you would expect.

If your actual kids aren't cute enough for her liking, what happens?

She takes half his money and sticks him with child support payments for 18 years.

If they aren't cute enough for her liking I doubt she's taking the kid.

Yeah, cause those websites are *so* realistic...

RenoTheRhino 30

That website is probably not a good representation of what your children might look like.

Yeah, its probably just one of those face morph websites but with a baby's body

qdawg06 23

I've always wondered if people like their kids more if they're cute... Sorry OP.

studies have shown that parents tend to pay more attention to their more attractive children.

Well… damn. I'm an only child so my dad's forced to only pay attention to me.

MissStephanie 10

I wouldn't doubt it's true #47, it's just in our nature to be more drawn to attractive people as an instinct to keep the gene pool strong. Obviously your not going to be attracted to your child but the same rule applies as a way we identify people.

Aww. I wonder how Khloe and Kylie deal with that.

lol that website not 100% can predict children's face that you both would hv

youdontknowme24 12