No uggos please

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Scottsbluff

Today, my girlfriend and I tried out a website where you upload pictures of two people, and it shows you what their future children might look like. She actually started crying because the kid we were shown wasn't cute enough for her liking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 872
You deserved it 4 554

Top comments

joeyl2008 29

That's understandable since websites like that are 100% realistic.


Lol my husband and I did it, it. Was a fugly baby, now we have three beautiful girls.

Haha. I'm interested in that website, could you tell?

And then we truly can't understand women nor give logical reasoning .. so fire that sunovabitch who created that website.

Is actually pregnant right this moment? Hormones would def explain the reaction lol I've seen preg women burst into tears after running out of pickles or because the cat was meowing and they didn't know what they wanted.

skyeyez9 24

My sister in law has two kids. One is kinda average looking, the other is ridiculously adorable and is always stopped by strangers saying how beautiful she is. The adorable one is a little brat whose looks have exploded her ego and sense of entitlement. The average kid is the sweetest one ever and I'd rather spend the day with her. Extremely beautiful kids grow up to be gigantic assholes, because everybody is always telling them how "special, beautiful, and how they should be on tv...etc"

RedPillSucks 31

Did you break down crying when you realized that your kids may inherit her superficial nature?

dump her. if she thinks that sht is real she isn't worth it