Not a history major

By surrounded by dumbfucks - 13/12/2012 23:44 - United States - Carmel

Today, in history class, we were talking about Ancient Rome, and what childbirth would have been like back then. One girl asked in all seriousness why they didn't use ultrasound machines to see what sex their babies were. I have to deal with people like this on a daily basis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 005
You deserved it 2 159

Same thing different taste

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Well I sure hope she is pretty and can dance very well on a pole.


What a dumb girl! It sucks that you have to deal with this kind of things everyday...

I have felt your pain. When I was in high school, I wanted to move to England. Upon telling my friends this at lunch one day, one girl (friend of the group, but not mine) asked "But wouldn't you have to learn a new language?" This idiot has a child now. God help us.

"Would you like some fries with that sir?"

Ancient history is a class where the most ridiculous comments will be sad in class. goodness gracious it was a nightmare for me.

elmateo_fml 9

Yet another reason why I look forward to any apocolypse

That made me think... why wouldn't ANCIENT Rome use ultrasound?!? Damn, ignorant, old people.

Don't worry, it's not your fault. Blame the parents for raising such an idiot.