Not again
By orgasmsareoverratedanyway - 25/09/2012 17:42 - Norway - Myre
By orgasmsareoverratedanyway - 25/09/2012 17:42 - Norway - Myre
By I need cuddles - 26/08/2019 20:00
By jonnah - 05/03/2010 13:06 - Canada
By really - 07/11/2014 00:30 - United States
By sarajj - 29/03/2013 21:36 - United States - Littleton
By Anonymous - 28/09/2012 21:22 - Canada
By hikingtospace - 04/10/2016 15:25 - United States - Hilliard
By Anonymous - 21/10/2022 02:00
By Anonymous - 19/06/2022 06:00 - Spain
By Anonymous - 18/02/2012 12:16 - United States
By zstarr - 14/07/2012 11:15 - United States - Rome
Well at least you know that he doesn't keep you around just for the sex; he just really wants to spend time with you.
You could just go ahead and cuddle with him. Maybe the mood will re-appear somewhere in the middle of it? I think that it's good that he wants to actually spend time hugging and talking to you.
Sounds like holding onto him is the problem! *Ba dum tsss*
On the one hand it's sweet that he wants affection rather than merely sex, on the other hand it's selfish for him to assume that you.don't have sexual needs, particularly in the middle of sex. I imagine that experience must be very frustrating for you. If he cares about you, he should understand if you explain that to him. I'm not saying he should give you sex every time you want it, but he should at least show you the courtesy of simply telling you he's not in the of mood rather than leading you on and teasing you like that.
If willingly stopping in the middle of consensual sex because you didn't want to do it in the first place isn't teasing, then I don't know what is.
The fact that you mentioned consensual made me chuckle at the alternative. Like, going through the motions of being about to rape someone, then just, "Nah, I'm only playing."
I meant that freely agreeing to have sex when you don't really want to and then stopping during intercourse is teasing. On the other hand if he objected to the idea to begin with but then was somehow coerced or forced into sex, then he wouldn't be a tease and OP would be a an asshole or worse. My guess is that in this case it's the former not the latter, but if I'm wrong about that then OP is the one who needs to be more considerate of her partner.
Well, I think we know who the woman in the relationship is...
Yes, we do. OP is clearly the woman in the relationship because we can see her gender symbol in the corner there.
83, you are very quickly becoming my new favourite person. I love how you're kicking traditional gender roles and stereotypes in the face. =D
Your boyfriend is gay..
He doesn't get blue balls...?
According to my boyfriend, blue balls are a myth. But maybe he can only speak for himself. Maybe some men get blue balls while others don't.
Oh it exists. It happened a few times to me before.
Maybe he doesn't have balls
39- Blue balls are not a myth, but they do not affect every man. I'm one of the lucky ones that is not inflicted with them.
I agree that not all guys are the same. Some have balls that are more sensitive than others. I've heard of guys being in severe pain because of blue balls while others can take a cold shower and be fine afterwards.
If he really wanted to cling to you, wouldn't it make sense for him to fire off his glue gun? You should try to find out if he treats his boyfriend the same way.
I guess I'm just a pig, but I've never even contemplated stopping during sex unless it was for a water break.
Well, at least he loves you. Have you tried talking to him about it?
At least he's sweet. Maybe if you start paying more attention to your vibrator he'll get jealous and get the hint...