Not cool, bro

By Anonymous - 17/08/2017 11:51

Today, I found out that my husband of 11 years shared nude pictures of me with random people online, to 'show me off' and to masturbate to the pictures he received in return. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 125
You deserved it 725

Froggie89 tells us more.

Froggie89 6

Hi everyone, OP here. I'm really struggling to put everything into perspective, so many thanks for all of your input! I'd like to clarify that he took the pictures at his own initiative at occasions where I was (getting) undressed. I didn't really give permission, just playfully raised a fist and let him. After all, we've been together for 11 years since highschool, I would've trusted him with my life. Learned that the hard way. He did blur my face, but that makes little difference because he would tell the people it was his wife and his full name was visible on his profile (he wasn't aware of that fact until I pointed it out). Divorce is our only option at this point, I don't trust him anymore, especially since there also have been other lies. I decided not to press charges as I would like to divorce on friendly terms.

Top comments

neuronerd 28

That's definitely a crime in several states. I'm sorry you're going through that.


tinydog 4

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neuronerd 28

That's definitely a crime in several states. I'm sorry you're going through that.

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neuronerd 28

Incorrect. Posting images of someone in a state of undress without their consent is a crime in several states, including my own. I'm actually currently in a legal battle over this. I can't give too many details, but an ex took photos without my knowledge or consent and posted them. Definitely illegal in my state.

neuronerd 28

It's even a crime if the person consented to the photos being taken, but not to them being shared or posted.

neuronerd 28

I responded on the app, but it appears not to have gone through. That's incorrect. Several states, including VA (my own), have laws against sharing or posting images or videos of someone in a state of undress without their consent, even if they consented to the image being taken. Anti-revenge **** laws (even if revenge isn't the intent). Side note to anyone thinking of doing this to someone, IP addresses can be subpoenaed, even from "anonymous" sites.

neuronerd 28

Also, there are ways around proxies if you try to use them to hide your IP address.

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No, he gets pics of girls from the guys.

There's so many wrongs with this I do not know where to begin. Divorce him, sue him, he's got to break some kind of law. Smh. Sorry Op

He is breaking the law, yes. It is illegal to share nude photography without the consent of the subject in the photograph.

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well damn that seems like a ****** up image to leave in their heads

I don't normally jump on the divorce bandwagon because we only get a tiny bit of info in FML submissions, but consider if those images could be used to easily identify you (face showing, unique tattoos, etc.) Now, obviously you can try to talk it out, but he has betrayed your trust and violated your privacy, which as others will point out, is a crime. Nude pictures can theoretically damages reputations and careers. This won't immediately affect everyone, but obviously he didn't have your best interests in mind. I feel terrible for anyone who has to deal with type of situation.

I am not joking. I believe only two states have legal precedent against this. Most states require that both parties involved had to agree the photos would remain private. Unfortunately the old you let him take them, if that is the situation, makes them his property and unless you can prove he agreed to keep them private, all this talk of suing him is BS. Your best bet, if you love him, is counseling. BTW anyone can google this topic and find out how loose the laws are regarding these situations. Bottom line, don't let people take nude pictures of you.

neuronerd 28

Well, Virginia has laws against this, as does the military. Been working with both police here and NCIS. You have to either pave posted the images of yourself somewhere online or explicitly said it's ok to share.

neuronerd 28

Also, she never said they weren't selfies.

All I am saying is that depending on where you live, you arent as protected as you think. Some states do have revenge **** laws, but if you read the laws things like marraige, whether they were posted or shown to someone changes the definition of what was done. Even who took the picture. Thats all I am saying. The only way to truly protect yourself is dont consent to a picture you dont want people to see. Thats all.

Who said she was awake when they were taken? Or perhaps it was from a HIDDEN camera. We don't know, in this case, but in some cases they ARE taken without permission.

why the down votes? this is factual info.

Yeah, don't let your husband take nude pictures of you. How dumb are you?

WHAT? Isn't this a crime? Sharing such a picture without your consent? Isn't it a CLEAR violation of your privacy? Im not sure about the laws and depending on the country, state etc. but what the ****! I'm sure you must feel very much violated as you trusted him as your husband...what got into his mind! Your pictures could be used to recognize you or as he is sharing them with other people online they may end up somewhere you don't wish and taking them down can be difficult! i'm very sorry i cannot imagine the distress you are in! You need to have a serious talk with him! If he thinks it's okay to do so because YOU sent him the pictures, it still doesn't give him the right to share them! If you haven't agreed or been made aware of this. It's common sense! Regardless if a law banning the sharing of nudes online or not exists you don't do this to your partner.