Not loving it
By jen - 14/03/2013 10:52 - United States
By jen - 14/03/2013 10:52 - United States
By anonymous - 20/12/2010 11:23
By Jif_Creamy - 28/02/2016 05:00 - United States - Washington
By Anonymous - 16/02/2012 03:59 - United States
By Lii - 24/03/2015 01:04 - United Kingdom - Birmingham
By whathehell - 27/04/2013 08:28 - United Kingdom
By robbedonCTA - 22/09/2009 06:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/04/2011 06:29 - United States
By stabbed with kindness - 02/03/2013 21:44 - Russian Federation - Elektrostal
By Anonymous - 30/07/2012 20:02 - Ukraine - Kiev
By Tmo - 12/08/2023 08:00
When that happen, you don't deserve Mc'Donalds
I'm so sorry this happened to you and in no way do I commend stealing, but WOW what an ingenious plan!!
-7 Stamina
That sucks OP. Maybe you should cut back on fast food..
Oh the irony... those darn cowards stealing from the speed challenged customers of McDonald's. Bet you wouldn't catch him outside of a gym pulling that crap!
Next time chuck your shoe and call to someone further away to clothesline his ass.
I'm sure plenty of jerks will blame it on the fact that you eat at McDonalds and assume you're fat or lazy, but no matter how fit you are, someone will always be fitter. I'm sorry OP; that truly sucks. I have a cross-shoulder purse because it makes it so much harder for run-by muggers.
Regardless of your age or fitness level, being robbed always sucks. Sorry it happened to you, Op. :p