Not loving it

By jen - 14/03/2013 10:52 - United States

Today, as I exited McDonald's after a quick lunch, a man in a jogging outfit ran past, snatching my handbag right off my shoulder as he tore past. He must have been at least 50. I broke down utterly exhausted before I could chase him even a single block. I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 152
You deserved it 39 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure plenty of jerks will blame it on the fact that you eat at McDonalds and assume you're fat or lazy, but no matter how fit you are, someone will always be fitter. I'm sorry OP; that truly sucks. I have a cross-shoulder purse because it makes it so much harder for run-by muggers.

Regardless of your age or fitness level, being robbed always sucks. Sorry it happened to you, Op. :p


I think u leaving from macdonalds says it all

In your defense, I'm going to assume you were either drunk or high for eating at McDonalds. **** your life!

Somehow I think this has to with 'exiting McDonald's'...

chillypalmer 7

That is hilarious !!! And so true!!! Fatty!! Not funny you getting robbed!

Lay off the McDonalds and you won't have that issue.

p_q_fml 2

Yea, because op chose to have lunch at McDonald's, she deserved to get robbed on the way out? You're all stupid

I know McDonald's doesn't make you fat if you eat some once in a while, in fact I do that myself BUT getting exhausted after a SINGLE block? YDI, go do some excersise you chuby.

Eating fast food doesn't make you fast.

To everyone blasting OP, saying she's fat or out of shape: did you ever think that maybe there's a different reason she can't run? I work out regularly, but I have asthma and patellar tracking disorder in both knees. I can't run for more than a few seconds at time either. If I run, my lungs feel like they will explode and my knees ache. I'm not fat by anyone's standards. Maybe people should think for a minute before automatically hitting the YDI button.

alizzette_nabash 6

You can be skinny and still not have good fitness and stop eating at mc Donald's. That will kill you no matter if you're fat or not.