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By oldskoolfun - 26/12/2015 23:04 - United States - Warminster

Today, I woke up to my wife yelling at my 11-year-old because she found porn on the laptop. Now I have to come clean and tell her it was me so I can get him off the hook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 422
You deserved it 10 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you're planning to admit to it, most would let the kid take the fall.

Shadowvoid 33

Well I mean the fact that she assumed it was the 11 year old baffles me. Put it in private MODE, no one likes to find **** they weren't supposed to see.


At least you're planning to admit to it, most would let the kid take the fall.

My Dad told me it was him in a similar situation, and I ended up taking the blame for... an Xbox. I have a fun family.

Should have just shared it with her and had a good time together.

Plot twist: It's your wife's and she punished him so you wouldn't find out.

Time for the kid to learn that life's not fair..

or time for the mom to stop acting like a nutcase. she should have talked calmly to the child not acted like a maniac by yelling.

BananaN0se 13

Leave it to the guy who has Jesus as his profile picture to be talking about how the world's unfair.

Shadowvoid 33

Well I mean the fact that she assumed it was the 11 year old baffles me. Put it in private MODE, no one likes to find **** they weren't supposed to see.

That seems strange. Any 11 year old nowadays knows how to cover their tracks after all.

Mathalamus 24

No, that's just generalizing. There are plenty of 11 year olds who doesn't know. It's not exactly in your face.

On google chrome when you delete your history is suggests you just use incognito mode

Are we all just going to forget about the 11 year old shouldn't be watching ****

Lots of parents wouldn't do that OP. Suck it up and remind yourself it's the right thing.

Why did you download **** to begin with? There's plenty of free websites to watch it from without the need of having to download it

To watch it later. To share it later (perhaps with his wife) to help get her going.

No, his wife is a nympho. It's to get him ready to keep up- With her.

You're a good father for owning up to what you did

Yep. But maybe not such a great father for putting **** on a computer an 11-year-old uses.

Bookworm1982 4

I think that this FML is a little ambiguous. I read it as it is the son's ****, but the dad is taking the fall. Punishing an 11 year old boy for **** is like punishing a kitten for getting into the yarn.

Just because he is a bad father if he didn't admit it doesn't mean he's a good one if he did. I would not even watch videos that are inappropriate for an 11 year old if they used the same computer as me, I'd wait for them to exit the room too.

It says a lot to come clean instead of leaving your son to blame for your actions. Be proud of yourself OP. Also, why would your wife automatically assume it was your son? I know some kids start out young, but 11 seems a little too young to be looking at ****.

How old were you when you started? I recall being interested at 11. then again, I don't recall everNot being lnterested.

In all honesty I still don't watch **** haha. I guess that makes me a little biased to assume an 11 year old wouldn't. However, I am aware that many people do.

I think I was 14 when I first watched **** and I was kind of late to gain interest in that sort of thing compared to my peers. I think a lot of people get curious around 12 and 13. I think that's totally normal and is fine as long as they are getting sex Ed before and during that time.

one of my exes was 11 when he stole his mom's credit card and paid for $600 worth of **** online in a weekend while they were on vacation in Florida at his uncle's house. Some boys just get "revved up" earlier than others, I guess... I, however, feel like that should've been a sign not to date him.

It's good that you're admitting to it, but why would she automatically assume it's the 11 year old? And instead of yelling at him, she could've taken a much calmer approach.