Not now!

By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 05:01 - United States

Today, I was in a department store with my three year old daughter to buy some new jeans. I took her into the dressing room with me and as I began to take off my pants she yells, "Mommy, you can't go peepee in here!!" I am no longer welcome in that particular store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 392
You deserved it 3 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XRiseToFallAgain 0

Why do FML's like these always involve kid's dumb word being more trusted than the actual explanation from the adult?


Tell your kid everytime she opens her mouth a fairy gets stamped on by a cynical fat man.

Hisbabyforever 0

hahahahaha thats funny! I do believe in fairies, I do! I do! lol jk XD

whaddup 0

YDI for saying "I no longer welcome." ******* idiot.

you've never typed anything wrong b4? dont be an a-hole

Any store that would drop the banhammer on you because of some cute-but-embarrassing thing your little kid said doesn't deserve your business anyway.

wow...has anybody thought that perhaps the mother wasn't wearing underwear?

brunettebabex3 0

She meant "I'm" not "I" then the FML makes more sense.

I honestly doubt you'd be kicked out of a store for that. No one wants to lose money, and obviously if you didn't pee, everyone knows children say the silliest things. Besides, most people I've met in retail are completely non-confrontational AND if they were working the fitting room, they wouldn't give a damn. Most have the "it's not my problem" syndrome.

i would slap that ****** bitch and abandon that *****.

BULL SHIT. I'm sure that you wouldn't get kicked out over something that your three year old said. Especially if you could prove that you actually didn't pee. OP- get a life you fag, stop making up stories on FML to make yourself seem interesting.

+ + + The FML doesn't merit a vote. It shouldn't have been approved by the mods (the wankers).