Not now!

By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 05:01 - United States

Today, I was in a department store with my three year old daughter to buy some new jeans. I took her into the dressing room with me and as I began to take off my pants she yells, "Mommy, you can't go peepee in here!!" I am no longer welcome in that particular store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 392
You deserved it 3 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XRiseToFallAgain 0

Why do FML's like these always involve kid's dumb word being more trusted than the actual explanation from the adult?


I call bullshit on that no way they would kick you out because a 3 year old thought you were peeing dip shit at least make a lie believable if they came in and saw no piss on the floor i think they would tell the R-tarded kid what changing is

Oh really now???!!! Ive seen trans women harrased and violently harrased in stores frequently and trailed by clueless security guards. So yah anything is sadly possible. She may be a woman of color so the child thing may have been an excuse to get her out. Lawsuits are the ONLY way folks learn to be decent and fair!!! So I say if the chain of command complaining fails:SUE,sue,sue!!!!

leksileks 0

I could see why she thought that but I agree I wouldve explained to them what happened. And I also wouldve told her that you were changing ur pants. And why did she think you went in there? I knew what changing rooms were when I three

I reckon someone in said store didn't like you...

ahahaha i have a 2 year old so i feel for ya! still funny though lol

Jason_fml 0

Fake. No explanation needed, really. Anyone who believes a person would banned from a store because of the comment of a misunderstanding toddler is an idiot.

you sure you can hold it a little bit longer? well I don't know about you, but I'm just going to go while we're in here.

why was the kid in the changing room with you in the first place? she could have sat outside in one of the chairs.

She could wander off or get kidnapped.

Dude, you can't leave a 3 year old outside a dressing room! They'll run off or get snatched up!