Not you

By pandabear - 12/02/2010 19:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I got an alert from Facebook that it was my very popular and attractive classmate's birthday. I decided to be sweet and write "Happy birthday" on her wall, only to notice it wasn't there a few minutes later. I rewrote it again and it disappeared. After three attempts, I took the hint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 695
You deserved it 4 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see why she was such a bitch about it. I mean, if she's so popular, your comment won't even show up on her wall in a couple of hours. Besides, it's just "Happy Birthday", it's not like you declared your love for her or something.


that's stupid. if she doesn't want comments from you then why did she add you? delete her.

Why would they have accepted your friend request if this was how they were going to respond to a happy birthday wish? Sounds like someone who just adds people for a bigger friend number, which is kind of sad.

Agreed. There are so many people like that on such networking sites. It makes them look quite pathetic, especially when they have hundreds or even over a thousand friends.. and they only get a comment once every few days or so.

What's the number of comments got to do with it? I hardly ever get comments on my wall, because MY FRIENDS ACTUALLY TALK TO ME IN REAL LIFE. We don't all conduct our whole lives via the internet, you know.

she's still a bitch for deleting it, stuck up or full of themselves is what I would call it

She's a bitch, but as if FML about this

Enough of the ******* "I left a Facebook comment and the person kept deleting it" FMLs.

maybe. maybe not. computer do glitch you know, nerd