Not you

By pandabear - 12/02/2010 19:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I got an alert from Facebook that it was my very popular and attractive classmate's birthday. I decided to be sweet and write "Happy birthday" on her wall, only to notice it wasn't there a few minutes later. I rewrote it again and it disappeared. After three attempts, I took the hint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 695
You deserved it 4 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see why she was such a bitch about it. I mean, if she's so popular, your comment won't even show up on her wall in a couple of hours. Besides, it's just "Happy Birthday", it's not like you declared your love for her or something.


that's just wierd n ignorant. is she scared to say thank you? she's doesn't want a conversation to start up I guess.. I hate when ppl think they're too good for you

People actually delete messages like "happy birthday"? what arrogant douchebags, just comment with "I hope you choke on something today." If they don't want your good wishes, then **** them.

skyeyez9 24

Apparently her ego is so inflated, that she thinks she's too good to have you write on her facebook wall. Stuck up bitch, she will end up fat and ugly one day.

skyeyez9 24

I fail to understand how snotty, arrogant, sanctimonious bitches are 'popular' in school. They seem to me the type you would want nothing to do with. OP if you are still in HS, life gets alot better once you graduate.

two sides of the story :- 1. You must have done something wrong that she couldnt even see your name.. lol 2.There are Some species in human race who are real sick, full of attitude and ego ... and proudy for nothing... and i am sure she must be one of them ...

She's not good enough to be your friend. Give up and stick to people who are nice to you. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll be around to see karma taking its inevitable toll on her.

well.. it never listed his/her gender so it could've been a boy or a girl that did it.. i'm not sure why everyones assuming it's a girl. idk if i'd delete it but then again i'm a nice person. back to the matter at hand i do this but only if i actually know the person or have talked with them at some point. getting wished a happy birthday from an unattractive person in low social standing that you don't even know... is pretty awkward...

What a bitch. Make her birthday hell next year.